You see the following in the logs: ' UNION ALL SELECT null,null,1-- This indicates a SQL injection attack - Skillset.. UNION ALL SELECT NULL, *, NULL, NULL FROM email ... Use of an unqualified * with other items in the select list may produce a parse error. ... select NULL, email.*, NULL, NULL from email ... the tables when only using one table and selecting literals in addition to all the columns on that single table.. 1002' ORDER BY 1-- 1002' ORDER BY 2-- 1002' ORDER BY 3--; Run union query with num of cols: 1002' UNION ALL SELECT null,NULL,NULL,NULL--. September 13, 2018 8:48am (Russian Federation) Blocked for SQL Injection in query string: p=44%' UNION ALL SELECT NULL.... The reason for using NULL as the values returned from the injected SELECT query is that the data types in each column must be compatible between the original and the injected queries. ... So the injected queries on Oracle would need to look like: ' UNION SELECT NULL FROM DUAL--.
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